
No matter how pure you may be ... face it, there's darkness in your heart. Before it consumes you, be darkness itself.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Going, Going, Gone!

Lalalala ~ I'm on a high dose of happiness. Last week was PMR ~ I got through it by just gaming every day of PMR. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days and The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road! Pure fun.The toughest paper was BM, like, I got 29/40. The rest were pretty much pushovers - I obtained nearly perfect marks for Science (Paper 1), History and Geography; perfect for Maths. I'mma real worried for my BM essays. I had a lot of fun doing English essays. Especially Section A. I was the only one who didn't write using my own real name. I was a girl in that essay. Harmony Liew. It's really one of the many uncommon names I thought up in case I have a daughter in the future. It's not my fave in my list, but it still sounds nice. Science Paper 2 really only had a few questions that were a pain in the ass - the lime juice and zinc powder + the operational definition thingy. Was I the only one who found the cross-pollination a cakewalk? I learned the stuff in tuition. But I think I didn't phrase out my answers much directly ... but anyways. I didn't get to learn Geography the night before it so I picked up my History textbooks. I made a number of codes tha thelp me to memorize, but before even an hour passed (I only managed to cover 3 chapters) I was so bored so I went back to creating my own Pokemon League in my notebook and also jotting down all the names that I like. For boys, uhn, I like Roxas, Ciel, Mint, Thunder, Lucis and Claude. For girls, my top few are Celestine, Sandersonia, Chrome, Mercedes, Ashe, Soveraine (original!), Rolaine (original), Heather and Rhyme. I had an easier time thinking up girl names than guy names.

Uhn, *cocks head* back to the exams. For Geo I was kinda lucky because like a few questions that came out were coincidentally mentioned by Eugene in the morning. Thanks, Eugy (read: yu-gi)! You can't imagine how much I got nagged over the weekends. My mom even switched off my Toy Story 2 during the second half of the movie. Wth. Anyways History was kinda tough. But the sole piece of hoarfrost on the otherwise fine steel was a stupid Form 2 question. Ugh. I'm going to watch Toy Story 3 when it comes out in cinemas next year. Woo-hoo! It finally got a sequel. Unfortunately one of its original voice actors had died (the one who did the spring-daschund toy). Maths was surprisingly easy, I have doubts about my PK but otherwise everything's fine 'cept BM. Huhn. Never mind.

So, like, we had captainsball after our KH paper. It was fun, but I sprained my fingers (which healed in a night). *gasp* Could captainsball be ... my hidden sports talent!? *ponder* *ponder* *ponder* Okay, no way. We went to Spring on our day off yesterday. I went there quite late and had to deal with a bunch of gays from 3A. Wow, especially since I'm usually the one called gay in class. Surprise, surprise. So I angrily went to buy the tickets for the anonymous gays of 3A. They were scared of being caught for being underage. Wth. 

Receptionist: "So you want to watch Sorority Row? Are you 18 and above?"
Me: "Yeah, haha, I just turned 18 recently."
Receptionist: "I'm sorry, but may I see your IC please?"
Me: *cocks head, makes puppy face* "Oh, uhn, pardon me miss, but like, my father keeps it with him at all times. I'm kinda klutzy, see, and he doesn't want me to lose my IC like how I lose my money (this does happen!)."
Receptionist: "Oh ... okay then. Are you sure all of your friends are 18 and above?"
Me: "Yup."
Receptionist: "Are you VERY sure?"
Me: "Totally miss!"
Receptionist: "Have fun then."
Me: "Much appreciated!"

Gays. Even if they DID get caught, they had nothing to lose. Then they gay'd around s'more, in the end I got tired of waiting, grabbed 4 of them and stormed into the movie. I had an extra ticket which Edbert offered to pay this morning. How nice. The movie was a nice watch. B+? My fav character was Ellie. Girls with glasses are cute with glasses and hot when their glasses are off. Hey, she was in The House Bunny! The movie had bare breasts, but nothing compared to Monster's Ball or Pathology which actually featured real sex. Crazy. The showbiz is really getting more and more 'open'. Hrm. After the flick we walked around some, looking for Jocelyn's party. They were at Sugarbun, where I grabbed a Cheese Burger. It was pretty decent. We then gallivanted over to FOS. There were some okay tees, but I didn't grab any as even the girls didn't buy anything. After that since things were a bore, Vince and I went over to Spring's Speedy outlet and then to the top floor's gaming boutique. We didn't get anything. We separated at Sushi King where I had lunch with my mom's party who were just done watching Where Got Ghost.

Next was Kenyalang. I grabbed 3 PC games which I later realized were useless since I lack the minimum requirements (a 1GB RAM especially). What a biche. Hrn. My comp also became uber laggy when I tried installing Left 4 Dead. Ugh. 

The Gaia Online bug also came back to me - well that was what I was doing during the PMR weekends. Haha. Now Chik Sheng is also a member of Gaia - woot! Not: Gaia Online is NOT an online game. It's a social networking site. Ask Chik or Sharon.

Today was actually mediocre at best. Two teachers were boring and didn't bother lightening up the mood at all. I can't believe Eugy was assigned with the Arts stream. There were really others who don't deserve to be in Science too. Poor Eugy. Both stream hardly matter to me but I went for Science since I got myself a free pass for 4C. I told Mr Ling to give me that class if I do happen to be assigned with Science stream. I used an excuse worthy of my wiles. Hmm hmm. Now I sure hope he doesn't forget ...

Been playing my PS2 today! Finally! After 6 whole months! My great reunion! I test-played all the games I bought over the course of non-gaming months (this excludes my DS which I play everyday). 3 were defective. To hell with them. The rest were fine. Most of them were what I found in the bargain bin of a store - Game Players World at Kenyalang. Rare games of 2004 and 2005. Still nice to play. I will be getting 2 consoles ~ One will be a PSP and the other would be either the 360/Wii. I gave Dawn a handful of DS ROMs, just to continue the tradition of end-of-the-year gift-giving. She found Scribblenauts awesome! Like everyone else! Okay, not everyone else. The gays were like, nonchalant about it. How boring. At least Jordan knows the cool factor of Scribblenauts. During the last two days of PMR I also played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. I am a Riolu named Williew, my partner's a Shinx. I'm currently exploring with my newly recruited Anorith and Lileep. They died in the Waterfall Cave. Hahaha.

Pardon, but I will be playing Mana Khemia 2 and Devil Summoner 2 on my PS2. Am I the only one looking forward to the Career Talk? I love Career Talks.