
No matter how pure you may be ... face it, there's darkness in your heart. Before it consumes you, be darkness itself.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can't Even Obey Rules?

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I went to the study group! Cha-chaaang! It was really guilty pleasure going there. I went there for Pokemon, then found out that there weren't any WiFi signals today. Wth. So since I arrived around 7:50 (it was scheduled to be at 8:30, but I didn't know), I whipped out a History book and finished it while listening to music from my DS. I really couldn't help but look around when I listened to The Vogues. Paranoia mambo. Scary. Chik arrived next. Then Jordan. Sharon. Joce & Elisa. Darrow. Che Yik. Fira. Adrenne. Michael came much later. Before Michael came, we already started with Form 3 History revision. I told Fira about the dream I had concerning her wedding.

Much later, Jordan started playing Phoenix Wright (he's only on his second case!) and I played Pokemon Diamond. My Murkrow can take down enemies around 9 levels above her, given that they are weak to Flying/Ghost/Dark. Now heading for 7th Gym! ... We were playing our DSes cos' they moved on to Geography revision, we felt that we didn't need any (I hate to say this, but I really only need to focus on History and PK now, if I want all the As) ... ANYWAYS, Jordan decided to play hypocrite and joined them in their revision. So I who gets bored of the sluggish, clunky interface of Pokemon easily, switched off my game and lazed away ... trying to do a PK paper that I mislooked.

Btw, Ms Wong & Mr Willie was at school. So are a few other teachers. Wonder what they were doing. Sharon and I scouted the library to see 3 teachers discussing inside. They weren't the named couple, ergo the point is moot. The weather was so sickeningly HOT, so we slinked into the staff room to cool down. The janitors were chit-chatting away in the mini-kitchen, so Sharon and I just stood at the main doorway, enjoying the humming air-conditioner ... that was after the Liew couple left. While we were there, the rest heartlessly started thumping down the stairs. I was particularly miffed at the fact that they knew where we were, yet decided to abandon us. So apparently they were going to the shophouses. Only Joce & Elisa bothered noticing us. So we charged on ahead. The heat of the sun was unbearable. I want to up and leave Malaysia. Fly to Japan. It's currently the season of love and romance there, autumn. 

So the people went to the handphone store. I followed them there, felt nauseous, and opted to join Sharon at Uni-Shop instead. I love convenience stores ... especially ones in Japan. I dwindled around in the shop on purpose to enjoy the air-con. It was so funny cos' I pretended to check out all sorts of drinks with Sharon. In the end I went with my initial choice anyways, Pulpy C. I like orange juice with pulp. I grabbed a packet of sweets, very old classics, those milk tablets. And those choco-balls we all used to eat during our hazy childhood. 

Back at school, our McDonald's delivery van was there (was it a van?). I had a Double Cheeseburger set, along with a freshly-baked Apple Pie. They wrongly packetted them into Banana Pie packets though, which caused quite the furore among the uninformed (which includes Daryl and even myself). It was a nice lunch. I think I am beginning to appreciate McDonald's food. I used to hate the cheese, now I feel it's okay. The fries today were pretty tasteless enough that I had to use ketchup. The apple pie was awesome. Finished first! 

After that Jocelyn suggested that we play a game before we kick off with KH revision. Since everyone were confused as to what game to play, I saved the day! I thought the classic game of Hide n' Seek would just be perfect. And perfect it was. It was a total blast. It's fun playing either hider or seeker (I had played both today!), but hiding is more fun! There is this corner that I hid in. I crouched there and comically used my Doraemon wallet to shield my face. Haha, just for laughs. Sadly the seekers never showed up while I was there. In the end I was forced to hide elsewhere since my ankles ached. Adventurous games like Hide n' Seek is plain awesome. I'm happy that everyone was willing to go along with such a childish game. Once I was a hider, and I was found nearly immediately, so I went around trying to seek out the rest. I went to 5A, and I checked out the storeroom. Why do they make storerooms when the students don't even use them!? I looked to my left. Nothing. I was about to leave. But I looked to my right. I screamed. It was Adrenne with her long hair. And Shau. Scary. They screamed too. So our screams attracted the seekers :P ... That was just part of the whole game. We clocked in thelast hour of our group study with a few rounds of Fire & Ice. Not as fun, but nevertheless these nostalgic games are still very fun indeed. Shame Dawn didn't join us. Or the rest of the class.

Sometimes people can turn ... jerky, suddenly. I sometimes wodner how they have the gall to pull that off. I don't know whether to like or dislike these kind of unstable people. You just can't help cherishing them when they are nice. Then they just drop off their mask and become an entirely different creature which is a total jerk. Even Michael is sick of said person. Said person is pretty sick too, what with this multiple personality disorder.

The whole day, Daryl and Jordan was at it again - teasing Jocelyn with random garbage. Sometimes I just can't help but wonder what there is to be amused of; what there is to be laughing at. I mean, wth. They just spout something illogical (usually related to Jocelyn's non-existent fatness, or what she eats) and laugh their heads off. Yeah, har har har. I am most bamboozled. By. Such. Baseless. Stupidity. Geez, and since in normal class I sit quite close to them already, I listen to their stupidity every day. Now I'm getting fed up. No one else ... maybe except for Jordan's delta formation in front, bothers to laugh. Can't they see that they are ANNOYING, CHILDISH ... and STUPIG!? Is this caused by the PIG flu!? Things are just getting STUPIGGER and STUPIGGER by the day! Seriously, I can't believe it. And to think most of the time I see them as the most mature boys in class. Wth.

After PMR, I would like to watch Couples Retreat with everyone. It looks cool. Also, if anyone's going to Singapore in the year-end hols, tell me! Because it will affect my decision of whether to go to Singapore or not.

Last year I was all into English songs. This year it seems the J-vibe caught up to me again! I finally had the chance to listen to GReeeeN's widely acclaimed "Kiseki" which means "Miracle" in English. After listening to it, I felt that it was deserving of its popularity and place in the Guiness Book of World Records. IIRC, it broke the record for number of downloads, worldwide methinks. Not gonna post the vid (pretty enchanting), local readers = anti-Japan! 'Cept a small number of people, yeah. Talking about J-Pop, Salyu's "Iris ~ Shiawase no Hako" is awesome. It means "Iris ~ Box of Happiness". It's also Prof. Layton and the Diabolical Box's ED. The music video is so touching. Even though I have no idea what the ending is like :P ... Dawn knows though, ask her. But don't tell me. The OP and ED of Hana Kimi, "Ikenai Taiyou" by Orange Range and "PEACH" by Otsuka Ai respectively are so upbeat and hip! I am currently also looking for "Eternal Pose" by Asia Engineer - anyone has it (I doubt it)? 

Hana Kimi ... is a Japanese drama serial adapted from a manga of the same name. It's so popular, it spawned a Taiwanese version (me don't likey). It's about Ashiya Mizuki, a girl in California, who, after watching a Japanese guy who came to America to train in high jumping, disguised herself as a boy and enroll in the guy's all-boys school in Japan after hearing that the guy stopped high jumping. The school is a school that doesn't take in students based on grades but based on looks. So it is also called "Hottie Paradise". It's funny, wacky, hilarious and altogether cute and charming. It's watchable for free here.

Now I am off to Chik's blog! Woosh, just finished 3 homework in a row, after coming home from a tired day of work! I speak like an old guy! Ha ha!